Bat Boxes
One way to bring bats into your yard is to create an environment that bats love. This involves a home, safety, food and water.
- Tips to install a box
- Do not install on a tree as they are open to predators, it lacks sunshine and the tree branches can interfere with bats leaving the box.
- Hang on a building or a pole with at least 6 hours sunlight and no less than 10-12 feet off ground.
- The box should be a certain color based on where you live (click image at right).
- The chambers should not exceed 3/4 inch.
- Inside of box needs groves for the bats to hang. These should be cut into the wood. Do NOT use mesh.
- Make sure box is safe from predators which includes your dogs and cats.
- Install a pup catcher under the bat box to catch bats that may fall out. It provides them with the means to climb back into box.
- You want to create a habitat that appeals to bats.
- Install bat boxes. Make sure they are designed properly and installed correctly for bats.
- How to design a bat box.
- Bat House Builder's Handbook (PDF)
- Effective Bat Houses
- Why bat boxes fail.
- How to install a bat box.
- Hanging Instructions
- How to Choose a Bat House Location
- Guidance for Siting and Installing Bat Roost Boxes
- Criteria for Successful Bat Houses
- Guidance for Siting and Installing Bat Roost Boxes
- Why is "Bat Approved" Important?
- YouTube
- Try to reduce predators around bat box and do not forget that pets can also prey upon bats so make sure to keep your dog or cat away from bat boxes.
- Provide food for the bat. Plant vegetation that attracts night insects for the bats to eat. You can also provide plants for the pollinator bats.
Some reasons a bat may not take up residence in a box can be due to several reasons. But the main problem is that people are quick to go out and purchase abox and throw it up where ever it appeals to them. The box should be to benefit the bat, not us.
Read more on bat box mistakes
Additional information on bat boxes
37 Free DIY Bat House Plans that Will Attract the Natural Pest Control (and Save Their Lives)
Bat Houses and Wasps
Selecting a Quality Bat House
Turn your whole garden into a real-life bat signal
Check out "Shop" page to purchase a bat box
In The End ...
Do not get discouraged if a bat does not move in right away. That is normal. Bats make their own choice and we cannot change that. It can take a few years for a bat to move in. If a bat does not move in after a few years, you may want to evaluate the box and location to see if it has some issues. Be patient. This takes time.
Attracting Bats to Your Backyard
FAQ - Why don't I have bats in my bat house
What to do with your bat house
Watch this video on how we should install bat boxes based on the needs of the bat!
It is fun to watch bats fly around catching bugs
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