Do you want the truth or are you one who believes whatever you read or hear with no facts? There has not been any scientific proof that can put the total blame of COVID-19 on bats. If you want the truth, it needs to come from credible scientific journals or health organizations such as the CDC. Sites such as is not a reliable source on scientific reports.
For years bats have received a bad rap due to the media, Halloween, movies, folklore and superstition. The truth is that all their bad rap was created by people. There is no truth to any of it. The ignorance today still continues to remain embedded into people's brain instead of taking time to learn the truth about bats.
We need to stop blaming bats and learn to understand the benefits bats have done for our economy. If we were to eliminate bats from our ecosystem, we will quickly suffer with the loss of many fruits and vegetables, an increase in disease carrying insects and a sudden increase for the cost of our produce. It is time we educate our self about bats instead of following unsubstantiated talk.
I would like to share a few sites that provide a better understanding of COVID-19 and bats. The following are not to side for or against bats but they provide a neutral understanding of the virus and bats.
Read the articles below and check out some of the important facts about bats on the home page.
6 reasons why bats aren't enemies: They help make tequila, and other surprising facts you may not know
A Viral Witch Hunt
Bats Are Not Our Enemies
Holy blame game, Batman! Why bats need your help, not scorn
Due to COVID-19, many states have set restrictions on bat rehabilitation centers and what they can and cannot do with bats at this time. They need our help so bats that have recovered from various injuries can return to the wild. Please help by going to the below link and read how you can help.
Bat Rehab Restrictions
Watch these video for further understanding
Video Source: The Connection between Bats and Coronavirus
Video Source: Are Bats Really to Blame for the COVID-19 Pandemic?
The labels placed on bats are from humans and have no factual evidence
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