Bats in House

 Bats in the House

What You Need to Know

Before removing bats from a structure, you need to know that it may be illegal to remove them in your area during certain times of the year. For example, in the United States, it is illegal to remove or exclude bats during the spring and summer due to this is the time maternity roosts exist and they are raising pups (young bats). You would have to wait until fall to exclude them. The best thing is to contact your local state wildlife agency to find out the laws in your area.

Homeowners urged not to drive bats out of residences during pup season

Bats In Your House

There may be a time when you find a bat in your home. It is not a reason to panic as the bat wants out just as much as you want it out.

Do not try to use a broom or chase it out because you will change the bats attention from exiting to you. It will now try to avoid the broom instead of trying to get out.

The bat will be flying around trying to find a way out. In caves, lights equals an exit. The bat will be attracted to all light sources so turn off all night lights, DVR, digital clocks or anything else that has a light regardless of how small or faint of light. Open a door or window so the bat can fly out. Be patient as the bat may be stressed and not leave right away but it should eventually leave.

Another solution is to take a shoe box and place over the bat. Slide a piece of cardboard under shoe box and take the bat outside to release it.

Make sure to determine how the bat entered your home and address the situation so more bats do not enter your home. They are able to enter through very small holes including up under siding.

Please, do NOT use glue traps or other inhumane traps to catch the bats.

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What To Do When a Bat Gets Into Your House

Bats in Your Attic or Structure

It is important to understand that bats should not be excluded from a building if it is a possible nursery. You do not want to exclude the adults while pups could still be in building. This is illegal in many locations.

There are many critter control agencies that remove bats from buildings. Make sure they use humane methods to remove the bats and you have the right to ask what methods they use to remove bats. You may contact local wildlife rehabilitation centers, Department of Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife and so forth to get recommendations on a humane critter control in your area.

Before excluding bats, install a bat house so they have an alternative location to live. You want bats in your yard as they are very helpful with insect control and pollinating plants.

Please, do NOT use glue traps or other inhumane traps to catch the bats. 

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Additional reading.

What To Do If You’ve Found a Bat
Ohio Wildlife Center
Help with injured or grounded bat
Helping bats find the exit when they enter your home

Getting rid of bats

Do not touch any wildlife
Leave it to the professionals

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